Bunnies need to stay cool in temperatures above 80 degrees, especially young, old, long-haired, and lop-eared rabbits. Here are some simple ways to keep your fluffy friend from getting heat stroke:
- Keep the blinds closed.
- Set the AC below 80 and remember to keep it on when you are away from the house.
- If you don’t have an AC, get a swamp cooler or window AC unit.
- Create your own cold air by hanging a damp sheet on the pen or cage and place an oscillating fan (so the air doesn’t directly hit your bunny) nearby.
- Arrange a living space in a cool location, like the basement.
- Freeze water in plastic bottles or use boxy ice packs for your bunny to cuddle with to cool down. Some rabbits prefer the frozen block to be wrapped in a towel or blanket so it’s not as hard, wet, and cold. Just make sure your bunny doesn’t try to eat the cloth.
- Buy ceramic tiles for a cool area your bunny can lie down on. Another idea is to fill a bag with ice, put it on a dish, and cover it with a terra cotta lid.
- Dampen your rabbit’s ears with your hands or a towel.
- Set out ice cubes in a bowl of water for drinking or wading in.
- Freeze diluted fruit juice or chopped fruits or herbs in water for a cool treat.
- Groom your rabbit’s coat of excess hair.
- Sunglasses.
Use several of these ideas to create maximum cooling for your bunny on those hot summer days. For more tips on a rabbit vet in San Jose, visit this website.
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